THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT, PLEASE READ CAREFULLY.                              


A deposit of 50% of the total price is due with your reservation. Final payments are due before the departure and for a few special trips, 30 days before your trip starts. We also accept bookings from minors; however we do require the signature of either both the parents or the legal guardian on both, reservation form and liability waiver. 


Upon receipt of the reservation form, release of liability form and deposit, you will receive a confirmation by email followed by an Information Letter with detailed information regarding our contact information, meeting time, departure time. 


The prices quoted are for payment by cash, draft, cheque or Net- Banking . 50% tour cost is payable to Royal Himalayan Holidays India, within   7-10 Days after final the tour. Failure to pay by that date entitles Royal Himalayan Holidays India has right to cancel your booking without notice. Prices are quoted in INR. For some special trips, the booking date may be up to 2 months before departure. 


If you need to cancel a reservation, please do so in writing (best by e-mail). If we receive your cancellation more than 20 days before the starting date of the trip, we refund 80% of your deposit. At less than 10 days notice (after payment is received in full), no refunds can be given. No partial refunds or credit will be given for services not used. Money will not be refunded during peak seasons.(May-June,X-MAS & NEWYEAR )


For Trekking and high altitude tour participants must be in good health and in a good physical condition. It is vital that participants with medical problems make them known to us well before departure. If you suffer from severe muscular, chest, heart or bronchial disorders, or if you are a severe asthmatic, or have high blood pressure, you are strongly advised against participating. Our trips generally take place in remote areas where there is little or no access to normal medical services or hospital facilities for serious problems. Where necessary, evacuation can be prolonged but it is difficult and expensive. Medical and evacuation expenses will be the responsibility of the participant. 


Our Tour Leaders take their responsibilities seriously and if a Tour Leader believes in his/her judgment that you should not participate in the trip, before your departure, even if you pass your medical, he/she may exclude you from the trip. In this circumstance you will be offered the option of taking another trip considered suitable for you or a full refund. If during a trip the Tour Leader considers you should not participate further he/she may direct you not to continue and you must follow the Tour Leader’s instructions. In this case you will not be entitled to any refund. 


If Himalayan Holidays India has to cancel a trip due to insufficient bookings for group trekking and tours , you will receive a full refund. We are not responsible for any additional expenses incurred by the participants in preparation for the trip. However, you will not be entitled to make any further claim for any injury, loss, expenses or damage (either direct or consequential) or for any loss of time or inconvenience which may result from such cancellation (including but not limited to visa, passport and vaccination charges, or departure, gear purchases, airport and airline taxes). 


 Himalayan Holidays India may for any reason change the date of departure or conclusion of the tour or it is possible that a route change, postponement or delay (either in relation to departure or to the duration of the expedition) may become necessary due to inclement weather, snow and ice conditions, political restrictions or any other cause. In the event of a change, postponement or delay, participants have no right to refund of the tour price (in whole or in part) or other compensation for any injury, loss or damage.



The following items are excluded from the tour price:

Visa, passport and vaccination charges

Departure, airport and airline taxes

Extra meals not included in the itinerary

Laundry, postage, personal clothing, medical expenses, personal travel insurance and items of a personal nature

Emergency evacuation charges

Tips and excess baggage charges.